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On this page


I decided to channel my passion for documentation to find the best study method for myself. This is the website you're currently on which I plan to utilize as a dumping ground for my tech related thoughts along with documentation for all services and solutions I aquire knowledge about.


Currently this site is hosted using Netlify CI/CD processes to build from my Github repo.


The main intentions of this site was to enable me to publish my information for others to use, encourage me to document my knowledge and by proxy requiring me to read over study material such as protocol whitepapers multiple times over, while enjoying it in order to properly format the documents.


The webiste is using Vitepress as the SSG (Static Site Generator)

import { generateSidebar } from 'vitepress-sidebar';

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      { text: "Thoughts", link: "/thoughts/index" },
      { text: "Wiki", link: "/wiki/index" },      
      { text: "Projects", link: "/projects/index" },
      { text: "NetDivide", link: "" },
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Folder tree

├── docs (Publish directory)
│   ├── .vitepress (Vitepress configuration directory)
│   ├── projects (Directory for Project pages)
│   ├── public (Media directory)
│   ├── thoughts (Directory for thoughts)
│   └── wiki (Directory for Wiki)
└── node_modules (Node.js Modules)