Script - Update hostname
This script will fetch the hostname of the device you're currently connected to and replace the tab name with the hostname
crt.Screen.Synchronous = True
Sub Main
Dim objTab
Set objTab = crt.GetScriptTab
strPrompt = GetPrompt()
strPrompt = Replace(strPrompt, "#", "")
strPrompt = Replace(strPrompt, "A:", "")
strPrompt = Replace(strPrompt, "B:", "")
objTab.Caption = strPrompt
End Sub
Function GetPrompt()
crt.Screen.Send vbCr
bCursorMoved = crt.Screen.WaitForCursor(1)
Loop Until bCursorMoved = False
' Once the cursor has stopped moving for about a second, we'll
' assume it's safe to start interacting with the remote system.
' Get the shell prompt so that we can know what to look for when
' determining if the command is completed. Won't work if the prompt
' is dynamic (e.g., changes according to current working folder, etc.).
nRow = crt.Screen.CurrentRow
strPrompt = crt.Screen.Get(nRow, _
0, _
nRow, _
crt.Screen.CurrentColumn - 1)
' Loop until we actually see a line of text appear (the
' timeout for WaitForCursor above might not be enough
' for slower-responding hosts).
strPrompt = Trim(strPrompt)
If strPrompt <> "" Then Exit Do
GetPrompt = strPrompt
End Function